Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 Moon and a Poem by Walter de la Mare

August 29, 2017 Moon

It was a beautiful night to be gazing at the moon.
Doug was taking Cookie for her evening walk ...
As I was setting up the camera and the tripod.

It's time for a moon poem.
My selection for this evening ...
 by Walter de la Mare 

As I lay awake in the white moon light,
I heard a faint singing in the wood,
'Out of bed,
Put your white foot now,
Here are we,
Neath the tree
Singing round the root now!'

I looked out of window, in the white moon light,
The trees were like snow in the wood--
'Come away,
Child, and play
Light with the gnomies;
In a mound,
Green and round,

That's where their home is.
Honey sweet,
Curds to eat,
Cream and frumenty,
Shells and beads,
Poppy seeds,
You shall have plenty.'

But soon as I stooped in the dim moon light
To put on my stocking and my shoes,
The sweet sweet singing died sadly away,
And the light of the morning peeped through:
Then instead of the gnomies there came a red robin
To sing of the buttercups and dew.

 Walter de la Mare

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!

Many blessings to you!

Ava Potterfield
Photos By Ava Potterfield

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