Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21, 2017 6:00am Moon

I have missed the moon!
We have been so cloudy lately that we haven't been able to go out to admire and take pictures of our dear Luna.


I just happened to be letting the dog out and there was the moon!

I had to wait for Sugar to come back in so he wouldn't be barking while I was out with the camera.
At 6:00am on a Saturday morning ... 

I have some comparison pictures that I will show you in my next post.

We're zooming in and getting closer!

And there she is!

Just beautiful!

Many details to look at this morning.

Our hope in sharing these pictures with you is that they will bless you as much as they bless us. 

Our world is truly amazing! 

We sure enjoy sharing our love of the beauty of the moon with you.  

Thank You For Sharing In My Luna Delight!

Many blessings to you!

Ava Potterfield

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