Saturday, September 9, 2017

Part 2: September 5, 2017 and a Full Moon Ode, By Cat

See the full moon, full of grace ...

Time for your find your place ...

Make your wish; it may come true ...

As long as you are true to you.

See the rabbit in the moon ...

Few can, it's your boon.

If you do, you are not a loon,

you are a person swown to the moon.

Peace and Happiness to all.

Thanks for stopping by the blog!
There will be more to come!

Ava Potterfield
Photo Credit: Ava Potterfield

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5, 2017 Moon and an Anonymous Moon Poem

I got some amazing pictures tonight.
I'll have to share them in two posts.  

Time for a full moon poem.

Full Moon Dream

When all living things I contemplate,

Your sun and stars,
Your galaxies,

Like a flickering candle flame
My soul is overcome,

And just as the moon can only shine
By refection of it's sun,

So is my being,
Only to wane into the unseen, 

Until it stands
Before thee again.


Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!

Many blessings to you!

Ava Potterfield

Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4, 2017 Moon

We are experiencing some haze due to some of the wildfires that are going on right now.
Earlier in the late afternoon the sun turned pink.
That was something to see!

Then when the moon came up it was orange due to the haze in the air.
Absolutely beautiful!
So here are some of the pictures that I took.
Hope that you enjoy them.

Thank you for stopping by the blog!
We hope that the pictures have blessed you like they have blessed us!
Until next time!

Ava Potterfield
Photo Credit: Ava Potterfield

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017 Moon

August 30, 2017 Moon

Beautiful moon out there tonight!
Lots of energy coming off of it.

I had a wonderful ...
even if a bit of a stressful day today.

Earned a promotion with my job this evening!

It was wonderful to end the day 
spending a few minutes with the moon.

It was just coming up over our hill.
I had to walk halfway down the street to get it.

Thank you for stopping by the blog.

I am headed to bed and plan to sleep like a rock!

Blessings to you my friends!

Thank you for stopping by!

Ava Potterfield
Photos By Ava Potterfield

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 Moon and a Poem by Walter de la Mare

August 29, 2017 Moon

It was a beautiful night to be gazing at the moon.
Doug was taking Cookie for her evening walk ...
As I was setting up the camera and the tripod.

It's time for a moon poem.
My selection for this evening ...
 by Walter de la Mare 

As I lay awake in the white moon light,
I heard a faint singing in the wood,
'Out of bed,
Put your white foot now,
Here are we,
Neath the tree
Singing round the root now!'

I looked out of window, in the white moon light,
The trees were like snow in the wood--
'Come away,
Child, and play
Light with the gnomies;
In a mound,
Green and round,

That's where their home is.
Honey sweet,
Curds to eat,
Cream and frumenty,
Shells and beads,
Poppy seeds,
You shall have plenty.'

But soon as I stooped in the dim moon light
To put on my stocking and my shoes,
The sweet sweet singing died sadly away,
And the light of the morning peeped through:
Then instead of the gnomies there came a red robin
To sing of the buttercups and dew.

 Walter de la Mare

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!

Many blessings to you!

Ava Potterfield
Photos By Ava Potterfield

Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017 Moon

August 28, 2017 Moon

Doug went out and took pictures tonight.

It's a beautiful night ...

And a beautiful moon ...

Peaceful ...

Embracing ... 

We are looking forward to the full moon.

It will be here before we know it.

Blessings to you all!

Ava Potterfield
Photos By Doug Potterfield

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 8, 2017 Moon

August 8, 2017 Moon

It was sure a beauty this night!

I took these pictures around midnight.
It was cool enough last night that I needed a jacket!
In August!

We sure hope you have enjoyed these photos.

Our hope is that they will bless you as much as they have blessed us.

Thank you for stopping by!

You are, of course, invited to follow this blog 
and to like our Facebook page of the same name ... 
Luna Delight.

Ava Potterfield
Photos By:  Ava Potterfield

Friday, August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017 Moon and a Moon Poem by Boris

August 4, 2017 Moon

It's a beautiful moon out there tonight!

Working towards being full.

And now for a poem ... 

Rembembrance of Nocturnal Things Imperfect
By:  Boris

It is the middle of a warm summer night
I am running down the stairs,
quickly and excitedly,
with my neighbors following me.

We all want to see the full moon.
It just fell down in the front yard.
I saw it coming down like an unwashed potato,
staining the sky with its brown dirt.

There it is,
lying on the ground,
a giant spud, trampling the grass it landed on,
showering its fine dust all over our bodies.

A cloud of bats are circling round it,
squeaking at this strange visitor.

I approach it warily.
I touch it.
It is ice-cold and alluring,
sparkling in the full moon light.

I wait for it to reveal to me the mystery of the night
but it remains stubbornly silent
as it has been through the eons.

I remember well the comical expressions of confusion
on the faces of my neighbors,
and the feelings of enigma,
inexplicable wonder overwhelming me.

As Doug an I were driving this evening,
with the windows down ...
it was 67 degrees and felt just chilly enough to send a shiver down your spine.
The pull of the moon was strong and evident to us as we drove along 
with our arms hanging out the windows.

We sure enjoy sharing our love of the beauty of the moon with you. 
Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!

Ava Potterfield
Photos by Ava Potterfield

Moon poem found at