Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Moon July 28 2020

Tonight's moon was so pretty!!!!!

Sat out on the swing with my sweetheart until time for moon pictures.

What a great way to end the day!!

Our world is truly amazing! 
We sure enjoy sharing our love
of the beauty of the moon with you.  

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Incredible!!! The Moon is Setting!!!!

Incredible!!! The Moon is Setting!!!! I was out taking moon pictures and noticed that I had to keep moving over to the right every little bit to keep the moon in my camera lense. Aggravated ... I stopped to figure it out ... and when I realized what was happening ... ran in to grab the tripod!! This video is at REGULAR speed! Just like we watch the sun setting ... this moon was setting. Watch to the end if you can ... it is worth it!!!

Thank you for watching our video!!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Moon on May 6th, 2020

What a pretty moon it was!!!!!!!
We sure  enjoy photography and love being able to share them with you.
We appreciate you taking the time to take a look.

Thanks for stopping by!
Come back soon!


Monday, April 6, 2020

April 5, 2020 Moon Set 1

I hope that this post finds everyone doing well.  I know during this Shelter In Home time it may be hard … but do your best to stay positive and find the good.  We are all in this together and we’ve got this!!!!!

Doug went out last evening and took pictures of the moon for us.  He got several sets and here is the first set.  I am not sure if we will be able to get pictures of the full moon this time.  It is supposed to be rainy and cloudy.  We will check … just in case … we will get it if we can.

Here’s the first set from yesterday in video form.  Enjoy!!!

Our world is truly amazing! 

We sure enjoy sharing our love of the beauty of the moon with you.  
The energy of the moon is so soothing.  It’s like letting out a long breath and releasing all that is bad.
I hope our pictures bring you peace and sooth your soul.

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!


Thursday, March 12, 2020

The March 6th, 2020 Moon

The March 6th, 2020 moon was just spectacular!!!! 

I was lucky enough to have a break in my workday and take some daytime moon pictures.   I love that blue sky behind the moon!!!!!

What a blessing!!!  I always walk my students out the door, sometimes waving and talking to parents, when I saw the moon up there.  I had a half hour break, so I ran inside an grabbed the camera.  These are the shots that I got!

Our world is truly amazing! 

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!
Ava Potterfield

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Navy Blue Dusky Sky

March 8th, 2020 Moon

It isn't a "Blue Moon" ... 
but it is the prettiest navy blue dusk sky I have seen in a long time.
That's for sure!

        I hope our pictures bring you peace and sooth your soul.

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!
Ava Potterfield

Monday, March 9, 2020

The March 8th, 2020 Moon!!

The March 8th, 2020 moon!!!


       The energy of the moon is so soothing.  

        It’s like letting out a long breath and releasing all that is bad.

Thank You For Sharing In Our Luna Delight!
Many blessings to you!
Ava Potterfield

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Beautiful Moon

It was a beautiful moon tonight!!!!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared my moon pictures with you here.  I’m glad to be back.
I always love spending time with the moon.  It releases such vibrant energy.  It’s energizing … relaxing … and one of the beautiful things that we are blessed with here on this earth.  I always tell people to remember to look up.  Look up at the birds.  Look up at the trees.  Look up at the clouds in the sky.  Look out at the green grass, the flowers, the hills, the valleys, the sunrise, the sunset … and remember to look up at the stars and the moon.

These pictures were taken by my husband and he did a fantastic job.  Thank you Doug!!!

“The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves.

It’s always there,
watching, steadfast,

knowing us in our light and dark moments,
changing forever just as we do.

Every day it’s a different version of itself.
Sometimes weak and wan,

sometimes strong and full of light.
The moon understands what it means to be human.


Cratered by imperfections.”
― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Thank you so much for visiting the blog.  Please comment so I know who was here and feel free to subscribe to the blog if you'd like to.   

Until next time … Always remember to be kind.

Additional Blogs:
Music For You and Fun For Me ...  https://musicforyouandfunforme.blogspot.com/
A Day In The Life Of Ava Jane ...  https://adayinthelifewithavajane.blogspot.com/
The Curious Art Whip ...  https://thecuriousartwhip.blogspot.com/

For your Plexus Supplement needs email me at  ... ajplexus@gmail.com